Below are commonly asked questions that will give you a sense about the test, the philosophy behind it and the Throughlines book on which the test is based.

  1. Q: People can change their dispositions at times in life, so does this change their throughline? A: One’s throughline, which is the personality each of us was born with, does not change. Habits and beliefs change, but one’s essence does not.
  2. Q: Why do habits and beliefs change? A: When we are unfamiliar with who we are, which is true of most people into their early twenties, we become frustrated with trying to fit in. Along the way we acquire ideas and go into relationships and jobs that are not in alignment with our imprimatur, so we try other ideas and develop other habits, many of which are discordant with who we are. But our imprimatur, our essential nature, is always calling us back to being consistent with it.
  3. Q: How will I know what my throughline is? A: Take the test (it’s free), which will give you new things to consider, and will also give you a throughline that correlates to the answers you provided on the test. Then download the book or relevant chapter to see if the information agrees with your sense of yourself throughout your entire life.
  4. Q: What if my throughline doesn’t agree with my sense of my personality? A: Only you can determine which throughline is yours, and the way the list of the nine throughlines is constructed can cause you to consider as many as three personality types may be yours. Each throughline is similar in some ways to those nearest them on the list, but there are significant differences. Personality tests, and various theories of personality, are by their nature subjective and meant to give us a framework with which to understand ourselves and our relationships better. The ThroughlinesLife Personality Test provides a new and philosophical framework that will be useful for many people in conceptualizing our own humanity.
  5. Q: Can I donate to you to help others find out who they are? A: Yes. Here is the Donate button: